Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Hypertension is now a common disease in our society, is often not realized because it has no specific symptoms. In fact, if not handled properly, hypertension at risk of dying due to complications kardivaskular such as stroke, heart disease, or kidney failure.
Hypertension, or more commonly known as high blood pressure is a condition where a person's blood pressure is above normal limits or the optimal fatherly 120 mmHg systolic and 80 mmHg for diastolic. Systolic is the blood pressure when the heart pumps blood into pebuluh pulse (when the heart contracts).
The diastolic blood pressure when the heart expands or relaxation. Patients who have at least three blood pressure readings over 140/90 mm Hg at rest is estimated to have high blood pressure.
Hypertension was defined as an increase in systemic arterial blood ang occur continuously. Though the concept is clear, blood pressure which causes hypertension randomly determined based on the pressure related to the statistical risk of developing diseases associated with hypertension.
A person's blood pressure can be classified based on the measurement of the average of two measurements as follows :
A person is considered normal , if the systolic blood pressure of 120 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure of 80 mmHg . Considered prehypertension if a person's systolic blood pressure 120-139 mmHg or a diastolic blood pressure of 80-89 mmHg . Hypertension stage I, if somebody 140-159 systolic blood pressure or diastolic blood pressure of 90-99 . Hypertension stage II , if a person's systolic blood pressure of 160 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure of 100 .
Based on the cause , hypertension can be distinguished: primary or essential hypertension . The cause of hypertension is still not known with certainty the cause . But it is usually caused by interrelated factors ( not single factor / special ) . Primary hypertension has a population of approximately 90 % of all patients with hypertension .
Secondary hypertension is hypertension caused by other diseases crate kidney damage , diabetes , vascular damage and others . Approximately 10 % of hypertensive patients classified as secondary hypertension .
The relative risk of hypertension depends on the number and severity of risk factors that can be avoided and the factors that can not be avoided . Factors that can not be avoided include genetic factors, age, gender , and ethnicity . While avoidable factors include stress , obesity , and nutrition .

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